Pura Vida mi familia hermosa!
How are things going? Are you all in Christmas break now? Jessica got someone to cover her shift? What things are yáll doing to celebrate Christmas? Who are you all going to serve this Christmas?
This week, or last Saturday, our ward here had an activity in the park of Coronado. About 10 member showed up, and my comp and I invited our zone leaders, district leader and his comp, and our sister training leaders to come and sing carols with us in the park. It was raining, drizzling, as usual in good ole Coronado, but we sang, and while we sang, two elders walked around the park talking to the people and asking for their numbers so that us, the missionaries, can come share with them about our message of Jesus Christ and his restored gospel. pretty sweet. This same day we called a bunch of the numbers that we received from this activity, and one of them said that we could pass by. We arrived and learned that José, is bitter towards God ever since his wife died 10 years ago....The doctors said he had to choose between the life of his wife, and the life of his baby daughter (the mom died in childbirth). He talked to his wife and she said that she wanted her baby to live. After the death of his wife, he lived a life in drugs, and in the street, up to no good. And now he wants to try to give God a chance, but he feels like God is someone who likes to see us suffer. We have a lot to share with José to help him to feel the love of his Heavenly Father, and that he can, thanks to the Atonement, change and live such a life that he can return to be with his wife again.
Laura came to church with us again, the only investigator that came this Sunday. We have taught Laura the book of mormon, the restoration of the gospel through Joseph Smith, and the power of prayer, but she still didn´t except the prepare to be baptized the 20th of this month. She is very Catholic, and though she likes everything that she´s seen about the church, she won´t give up the thought that her baptism in the catholic church as a baby is valid. But we keep on encouraging her to pray and ask God to know if the Book of Mormon is true. Because if she recieves a spiritual witness that it is, she will also know that Joseph Smith was a true prophet called of God to translate the Book of Mormon and to restore the Church of Jesus Christ in these latter days.
Catia and Ignacio didn´t come to church this sunday. That was a hard blow. We were expecting Catia and her son Ignacio to come, like they said they would, but they sent us a message at 5am sunday morning to say that they weren´t going to come. we called and called but they didn´t answer. So their baptism date fell through, because they have to come to church at least 3 times before they can be baptized. We don´t know what happened. But we won´t give up on them. They have such a desire to learn the truth. we see it in them every time we teach them. They have a hunger to fill the empty space withinn them. Katia especially becuase she wants to be a better mom and example for her son, Ignacio.
We´ve been working alot with a less active member, Karina, who has so much desire to do the things that she should. We taught her how to hold a family night, even though her family consists of her and her 7 year old son, David. Even though she was baptized 2 years ago, she has been inactive, and not been living consistent with the commandments and the gospel of Jesus Christ. But she asked us to talk to the Bishop and we´ve set up an appointment for her. I wish all less active and inactive members had such a desire to change and put their life in order to be in harmony with the teachings of the church and the teachings of Jesus Christ.
Family Montero (in the pictures) invited us to make and eat tamales ;) They are great, even though they have a hard time coming to church every sunday because the dad works almost every sunday, and sometimes the mom does too. But they are adorable and love the missionaries.
I hope you all know that Jesus Christ lives, and that he made it possible for us to live again and to have the capacity to repent and return to live as eternal families. I know that, whatever happens to us in this life, if we live worthy, we will all return to be together forever in the presence of our loving Heavenly Father. One of the reasons that we are here in the earth is to demonstrate that we are willing to obey the commandments of our Heavenly Father. The obedience to the commandments is an expression of our love for Him and Jesus Christ. (see D&C 130:20-21, Mosiah 2:41, Juan 15:10)
Well, I don´t have anymore time, but I want you all to know how much I love you all and am grateful for your prayers.
Con mucho amor,
hermana Flake
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