I cannot believe that it is already December! Exactly a year ago (I think, maybe it´s tomorrow...) I was opening my mission call....wow. time flies. I have so many things that have happened since that day I learned i would serve a year and a half in Costa Rica. There is a song that we have that we always listen to hear in the apartment. It goes like this....
"!With a pounding heart inside my chest, new shoes on my feet, I tell her goodbye one last time, a tear rolls down her cheek, she says I miss you son (hun, haha), and just like that I´m gone. With 19 (or 20) years behind me, I´ve got a whole life full of dreams, I´ve spent countless night asking God, down there on my knees, and pretty soon I knew, what I had to do. So with a smile on my face, and a pray in my heart, my whole world behind me, my life´s about to start. I can´t count all the blessings that are waiting in the end,, so i forget myself, and give it all to Him."
"Ï´ve been away from home now, going on a year. There´s so much that I miss, so much that I love here, and that´s when I began, to start to understand.
So with a smile on my face, and a pray in my heart, my whole world behind me, my life´s about to start. I can´t count all the blessings that are waiting in the end,, so i forget myself, and give it all to Him."
There is so much that i miss from home, and I know i´m not going to recognize my little siblings, but I also know that i will never forget the changes Ive seen in people here in costa rica. I love sharing the gospel, and will never stop doing so. The message of the restored gospel changes lives. I´ve seen it, i ´ve lived it, and I know it. I am so excited to know that my family has been blessed with the knowledge of the gospel of Jesus Christ. NOw I have the oportunidad to share that knowledge with others.
Yall should invite non members to have a family night with yall, and yall can watch this video...
The other person that came to the activity and stayed for the baptism of Humberto as well, was a women named Laura. She said that she found one of our flyers/invitations in the street and decided to come check it out. She is catholic, but liked what she learned and saw in the activity. And guess what yall. She came to church this sunday!!! She participated lots and stayed for all three hours! I love it! We are going to visit her today to teach her the restoration.
Well. Life is great. Time is short. We never have enough time for everything. That´s why it´s so important that we plan and set goals and that way we use our time effectively and go about doing good continually.. I invite yall to read Alma 37: 38-47. Alma the prophet is writing to his son, Helaman, and he reminds him of how Nephi´s family had the Liahona to lead them in the wilderness. but it only worked when they were obedient and faithful. Remember
Hermana Flake
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