Hola my lovely, large, beautiful family,
It´s Christmas time and all the missionaries in Costa Rica are dreaming of a white Christmas, but with baptisms because it never snows here in Costa Rica (although sometimes I feel like it just might here in Coronado....) :) This cambio I want to focus more on becoming the fourth type of missionary (in other words, a missionary that truly serves with all her heart, might, mind, and strength) and to not let myself get depressed or unfocused in the work of salvation. This time of the year it´s hard not to think too much about how Im not there with yall, but I know that yall are blessed for my service, and that I have committed to give of my entire being to the work here in Costa Rica.
Laura came this sunday again and even though she still says that she just comes to learn more and that she is Catholic, we have lots of faith that she will be baptized this month. we have taught her until apostasy, so we still need to teach her about Joseph Smith, and how he restored the 5 pillars that are necessary for the true church of Jesus Christ: prophet, apostles, authority, revelation, and the scriptures. These were restored once again and for that we know that we are lead and guided by a true and living prophet, Thomas S. Monson. We can have complete assurance that he will never lead us astray, because God will never permit that we have a faulty guide. Anyway, we plan on teaching her this week about all that...haha.
My companion and I have a lot of work to do to work harder in loving every investigator that we have, and not just the ones that keep their promises and do their homework, jaja. I know that the more christ-like love that we have for the members, investigators, and each other, the more success we are going to have because we will be more worthy tools in the Lord´s hands. We had quite a hard blow this week when one of our beloved investigators sent us a text saying that she doesn´t want us to keep visiting her anymore. She is a single mom, who was progressing so well, and had come to church one time with us. She even said that she believes that the book of mormon is true. we just don´t know what went wrong. we know that satan works hard on those that he truly doesn´t want to find the truth. He attacks and attacks until they give up the fight. We have felt the spirit so strong in almost every single lesson that we´ve had with Rafaela....and we still won´t give up on her. We will keep on calling even when she doesn´t answer. we will even go all the way to her house, which is way up in the mountains and far from anyone that we are teaching, but we know that she knows that this church is true, and that she has fear that she cannot live the norms of the church. I know that God has great things in store for her, if she will just open up her heart a little more and let go of her fear.
The pictures below, well about three of them, are of the house of Juan and Gretel. Juan recently was baptized, and they are working towards when they can be sealed in the temple. The hermana has developed so many talents, which is evident her house. Everything on their walls she either painted, sewed, built, or made. She is amazing! They are absolutely beautiful, and we love visiting them and seeing all the neat things she´s done. Also, she always offers us tasty food, what every missionary loves. ;)
I hope you all know just how much I love yall. I know that families are forever, and even though I am far away, I know that we´re all doing those things that will make it possible that we will always be together, in this life and in the life to come. Remember that we are children of our Heavenly Father, who loves us, and has sent us hear to learn, grow, progress, and become like Him. Remember that satan works on us in whatever way that he can, and the easiest way for him to tempt us is to use the inclinations of our natural man. Especially laziness and selfishness. We need to be always anxiously engaged in a good cause, and pushing the work of the Lord forward always. Forget ourselves and get to work. That is my motto, and what I will keep on striving for. It´s hard, but it´s why we´re here.
con mucho amor,
Hermana Flake
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