Tuesday, September 8, 2015

August 3, 2015: Montaña Rusa

Hello family :)

This week I taught an English class in the church :) it was fun. Only four people came...Jennifer, a less active member, her friend that we visited with her and brought, and two sisters who were baptized by the Elders the day following the class. It was fun and they enjoyed it and want me to teach each week. So now every Friday I will give an hour class of English.

It rained a lot this last week, and it will rain a lot this coming week. The picture of my socks are to show that those are what I had to use before you sent me more socks. Thanks mom :) I only have to use my old pairs of socks like once a week, when the new ones you sent me are all dirty, haha.

this snake we found, but it is dead. Maybe dad
 can find out if it is poisonous or not. I am curious.
I dont have as much time to write today, so this will be more brief (we are using computers in the city library, because the office that Brother Cordoba in the ward leaves open so we can access the key to the computers in the church, was locked. So yeah. We were rejected a lot this week. My companion cried. But we look forward to seeing more miracles this coming week. I am so thankful for the opportunity I have to be in San Carlos. I know that it is not always easy, or it´s never easy, but I see each and everday the tender mercies of the Lord. I know that my Saviour lives and loves me. I am so glad that I get to represent His name each and everyday of my life, being a member of His church. I am thankful for leaders who sacrifice so much to serve the Lord.

love yall,

Hermana Flake

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