Tuesday, September 8, 2015

August 10, 2015: One is Never Taller than when on His or Her Knees

Howdy my family!

Thanks for sending me pics and telling me about your adventure to Utah and Colorado! Sounds like it was a great time to bond, learn, love, and enjoy. Some things never change haha. Dad jumping in cold lakes is one of them. haha ;) I love all the times jumping in lakes with flakes, haha that rhymes. Okay that´s enough now I mean it. Does anybody want a peanut? haha alrighty

I hugged my companion when I was a little annoyed with her! accomplishment! haha just kidding. She sometimes gets riled up when people are rude or ignorant, and I, many times, have told her that as missionaries and representatives of Christ, the last thing we should do is make biting remarks back or get sassy and when I tell her that she goes all martyr on me saying that it´s better that she just not talk to anybody then....but yesterday this scenario happened. We knocked on the door. An old fellow walked out. We introduce ourselves. He says we´re from one of those other churches that isn't the Catholic church, the only true church because Christ established it, says he, and that we should not waste our time and then without listening to another word, turned around and ignored us. Rude right? anyway, not something we should worry about, but my comp got upset. And i´m not a huggy person, but I told her to come here and I gave her a hug. And instead of telling her that she shouldn't do that anymore, I just hugged her and made a joke about mission life and knocking doors. That made her feel better. 16 months in the mission and I think I finally learned how to go against my annoyed feelings and do what is best for my comp. Success! haha. ;)

We are constantly trying to be more powerful representatives of Jesus Christ. We have been set apart with power and authority to teach God´s children and we are trying to fully comprehend the scope of that. We get on buses and we talk to as many as we can. We know that we must testify and be witnesses of the truth. I know that we are all witnesses of truth and light. When we have been so richly blessed we have an obligation to help others recieve these same blessings. I know that the Gospel of Jesus Christ is true. This is His church. We are all His children. Not just members of the church. Not just believers of Christ. Every person on this planet is a child of God. Many do not believe in that. Trust me, I have talked to many here. They believe we are creatures of God, and only become his children when we obey him and believe in Him. I know that God loves His children, even those who will not believe on him. He loves us all.

Much love,

Hermana Flake

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