The computers we were using lost internet conection, so now we ran to another internet place, but we only have 10 minutes to it´s going to be a quickie this week...
Este semana ha sido bastante bien, particularmente con Presidente Wong aqui ayudando para que tengamos mas unidad como barrio. La semana pasada, él cortó las cabezas de todos nosotros en el consejo de barrio, y que él no quiere excusas, solo quiere que los miembros traigan los menos activos a la iglesia.
We got to go to the temple as a zone this week. It was beautiful. When we stop and think about, the temple is where we want to see every single one of our brothers and sisters here on earth. The temple is a little piece of heaven here on earth, so how we feel there is how we will feel one day when we return to our Father in Heaven. I want to be there one day with every convert that I have come to know and love, as well as my family and friends. This is what it is all about.
We have been working a ton with Rosa and her family. We found her a couple of weeks ago. She is the one that lost her 3 month old baby about a month ago and is very sad for that, but we taught the plan of salvation and that families can be together forever one day. Now we are just working on getting her to know members and to have the desire to come to church. Only Melanie, their 11 year old daughter came with us to church this sunday because Rosa thinks that she needs to be more sure of things, fransisco had to work, and Helen slept in....Melanie and Juan Carlos (6 year old) came with us and loved it and want to keep going obviously. Now to get the whole family to go...
I wish I could write more, but I just want to you all to know that I am so priviledged to know that we can be together forever someday. I am so thankful to be part of the Flake and Baldwin families as well as the LDS family. I love my Savior and am so grateful for His sacrifice. Let´s keep going strong this week!!!
Love you all,
Hermana flake
ps. mom I would like mosiah 2:41 on my mission plaque.... sorry for getting back to you so late
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