Tuesday, May 12, 2015

April 27, 2015: The only sure thing is change

Hello family,

So my companion had changes, so we woke up at 5 am to catch the 6am bus and we arrived in San Jose at 9:30am....and I am still here waiting for my companion to get here...so yeah, she already wrote her family, so I am here writing to you all now :) My companion, Hermana Vasquez, whom I had for only a month and a half, is now in Coronado, my other area! Haha, so last night I wrote a few letters to converts in Coronado for her to take to them from me. My new companion is Hermana Flores who is also from............guesses anyone????....dun dun dun dun.....Guatemala. Ooosh. She is my fifth companion from Guatemala. I am going to have to visit Guatemala one day to visit all my comps and amigos from the mish because there are a ton of Chapines here.

The ward is a bit more united now that President Wong came and convinced the members of the need to bring the lost sheep to the herd, but we still have a long way to go. I look forward to the week of the family because the whole focus is in doing things as a family and inviting non members to come and participate. We have a new ward mission leader who is awesome. He truly knows how to help ward be more involved in the obra misional. This sunday he was greeting everyone as they came to church, and then asked the members to sit closer to the front so that we arent all so scattered as it normally is. This weekend we had Gabriel`s baptism. His mom and little brother came too. It was very special. Escpecially since Bryon, a new convert, was able to baptize him. That was awesome.

Well, I am very very happy to be in San Carlos. I am happy to be in Costa Rica. I am so happy to be a missionary. I am so grateful for all the work and guidance of my Mission President. He`s the kind of president that inspires us to be better, to be more faithful, to be obedient with exactitud, and to be happy. This is the last change for President Wilkinson, because in June come the new mission presidents and the mission wiill be divided in half. Wow. I love the Gospel. I love my savior Jesus Christ. I know that he leads this work.

Con mucho amor,
Hermana Flake

p.s. sorry this is so short....my mind is on so many other things right now and I didn`t bring my study notebook to share some of my personal studies with yall. haha, i am sure youre relieved ;)

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