Hey yáll!
"God is anxious to take us as far as we are willing to go"
This week we traveled the 3 hours to go to San Jose in a very winding trip (mom´s stomach would probably not handle this car trip, much less a bus trip), for a Multi zone conference with President Wilkinson. This man is called of God. Wow is all I can say. He taught about plans, God´s plan, Satan´s plan, how to plan under inspiration, why we need to plan and have a broader perspective, and how we need to teach in such a way that people can know the doctrine, apply it to their lives, and feel that it is true. I loved a quote that he read, which right now I don´t remember who said it, nor the exact words, but here it is: Live in such a way that our mirror is clean enough to relect the light of Christ...or something like that. Especially as an authorized representative of Jesus Christ, a missionary must be living the commandments with pure motive, as well as obeying the mission rules, so that the Light of Christ may shine to those around us. Also, he mentioned that we have to be clean vessels so that the Spirit may work travel through us to the hearts of our investigators and the members. I know that that is true of all disciples of Christ.
Also, President Wilkinson helped us to see that God has an enormous perspective of who we can become and what we can do. We are the ones who limit ourselves. God is willing to take us as far as we are willing, but sometimes we lack the faith. When making plans, when fulfilling a calling, when raising children, when studying for a career, when sharing the gospel, etc. etc. we must pray that God may use us as instruments to fulfill the greater design that he has planned. I know that, just as the brave men and women of the scriptures, we can do great things when we trust in our Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ.
President Wilkinson told us that when he first came to Costa Rica, missionaries jumped for joy when they taught 15 lessons in one week....that is purely unacceptable! Since I have been here, 30 lessons in a week is the minimum we should have! The missionaries at the time that Pres. Wilkinson was starting out, thought that Pres. Wilkinson was crazy. They didn´t have faith. They lacked trust that he was called of God. The minimum goals for our key indicators that we strive to reach each week are more than double what the missionaries had only 3 years ago. This is God´s work, not ours. He can do it without us, but he gives us the opportunity to do so, but he needs worthy workers, worthy disciples. Not ones that lack faith. When we read about the apostles with Jesus Christ, he was constantly admonishing them for their lack of faith. How much more need we faith. Ok. End of rant. haha.
I love being a missionary! The Church is true! Christ leads and guides it. It contains the restored gospel of Jesus Christ. We are lead by inspired leaders who act under the holy Priesthood of God. Wow. We cannot sleep through the restoration. We are in such an amazing time. Let´s make the most of it.
This week was different from any other week I have ever had in the mission in an aspect that has always been my weakness. I have always found it hard to talk to strangers in the street, the bus, bread stores, etc. I did it, but mostly just to reach the goal of contacts we make....but this week I felt like a talking machine. I didn´t fear anyone. The only thing that matters is that Christ has commanded that we share the good news and the gospel of repentance with every man, woman, and child. So that is what we have got to do. And it is easy when we think about the eternal perspective.
Well, go get em everyone!
Love yall,
Hermana Flake
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