Hey fam :) waz up?
This week we found a family that was a reference from a new convert. They accepted us, even fed us, in their house. A few days later they moved into a new house, and we, with the Elders in San Carlos, went over to help them move in and to do some yardwork. After a couple hours of cutting the weeds with a machete and moving trash, they killed a chicken (chopped its head off) and made soup with it for us. Everyone loves to feed the missionaries. Anyway, they are a promising family, even though they keep on telling us that they don´t believe in our doctrine, and they´d prefer to continue being good friends but they won´t come to our church. Just great. But that didn´t get us down too much (at least 3 in the house are interested in learning more, an aunt, one of the daughters and her boyfriend), because the following day we decided to knock on the doors of the new neighbors. They recieved us gladly into their home. We asked them if there was anyone that they knew that could benefit from our visit, and they told us to visit their neighbor, Rosa, who recently lost her 3 month old baby. We did so immediately, and found Rosa in the house, with her ex spouse and two of her children. She had watery eyes throughout the entire visit, where we shared a bit about who we are, our purpose, and the plan of salvation that our Heavenly Father has for us and our families. We invited them to come to conference the following day. Juan Carlos, the ex, came for the Sunday Afternoon session, and enjoyed it a lot. We introduced him to the Bishop and a few other members as well as gave him a tour. He said he will keep coming each Sunday to learn more. Basically, from this experience, I learned that even when things might seem to be going downhill, such as when the family that we helped move their house, told us that they did not accept our doctrine (without really giving us a chance to share our doctrine...), we did what Preach my Gospel tells us to do, visit the neighbors. God brings us to those who are prepared. However, sometimes it isn´t the first ones who appear in our paths....sometimes its the reference from their neighbors.
It´s been a bit difficult to get to know San Carlos....it´s enormous. Literally enormous. But, I know that my goal is not to get to know all of San Carlos, or even to get to know where every single member lives (though that sure would be nice...), but my goal is to obtain the Spirit to be guided to those parts that we need to visit. I still remember that President Wilkinson told me in my last interview with him, that if we reactivate members that we would also baptize....we are still in the process of trying to figure out where the inactive and less active members live...but I know that it is true. We found one inactive member who has 3 or 4 children who are not baptized. We are still trying to help her to regain a testimony of the restored gospel, but I know that there are many more famillies like this one who we just need to find.
General Conference was amazing!!! I hope you all were able to listen to the talks, to write down some notes and impressions from the Spirit, and that from now on and onward we can all change something that we are doing or are neglecting to do, and put into practice the words of the Prophet, Apostles, and the other General Authorities. What blessing we have to know that we are guided by a living prophet who is a man called of God and who holds the keys and authority of the Priesthood to recieve revelation for the whole world. Wow. D&C 1:37-38. Remember that the words of the Prophets are God´s words and is God´s will for us, His children here on Earth.
Con mucho amor,
Hermana Flake
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