Sunday, August 3, 2014

Week 9: Nothing Exciting This Week...

Hello my wonderful family!

This week my companions and I had to travel to San José to get my huellas (fingerprints) done. So that means we stayed at the ¨sister house¨ and all the other gringas and two of the latinas that came to costa rica the day I came, were all there :) It was nice to hear about how the work is moving in their areas and to finally speak a little bit of English, ha. With that finally done, I´m not at risk of being thrown into prison anymore...haha. Now I´m completely legal here.

We¨re still working with Familia Vargas, because they still need to be guided and helped a lot. They came this Sunday, but they have been slipping on some things that I won´t go into detail, that members shouldn´t do, so we´re going to have another family night with them on top of our other visits with them. They just need help quitting habits and forming new ones. Don´t we all?

Ok, so we have another investigator who is a gem. Her name is María and she is dating a member who is inactive and addicted to marijuana. His name is Micheal, and his Mom, Dad, and two sisters are active in the church (his mom is a counselor in the Relief Society), and since meeting María, has a renewed desire to quit using drugs. The way we met María was at our weekly Portuguese class that we hold on Thursday nights in the capilla, which are taught by our good friend, Daniel (return missionary who served in Brazil). Anyway, Micheal and María both came as well his mom, and they really enjoy learning Portuguese. Then after the hour-long class, we talked to them and planned a Noche de Hogar in their house. Last sunday we had the noche de hogar, and it went really well, and we committed María to a baptismal date :D We taught her again this last Thursday right before the portuguese class and plan to have another noche de hogar tonight. We are hoping to prepare Micheal to be worthy to be the one to baptize her, but even if that isn{t possible (I´m not sure the rules about how long someone has to wait after having used drugs to be worthy of the priesthood again...) we hope to help him change his life around. I love them a ton and they are always smiling! Pray for them :)

Sorry I don¨t have any picturesthis week....just one of a delicious fruit that looks really cool and a pic of Carlos, an awesome 10 year old who is a great example in his less active family. He practices magic tricks, so that´s cool :) He also made me a bracelet with those little rubber band things.

Jessica! please tell me about your life! I want to hear about school, dates, funny stories, hanging out with family, embarrasing moments, everything! Troy, Tyler, Travis - you all too. Happy Birthday Laura! in a week!!! Tell Emma, Darrell, Benson, and Brian how much I love them! I love yall!

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