Monday, August 25, 2014

Week 12: Life is Short--the Mission is Shorter

I´ve already been in Costa Rica for two and half months! Yikes! Time flies....

This week has been a downpour pretty much every day. It´s great fun being soaked and walking in muddy water (especially when we have planned to visit Los Lotes, which is a kind of a ghetto, for lack of a better term...Some of the houses are made of cement, but others are just shacks) and when it rains, the street is just a mud bath haha. I´m grateful for my rubber shoes now, that´s for sure. We had a noche de hogar with Familia Vargas (our family of recent converts) and we brought María and Dianita (little sister of novio de María). It went really well, especially since Genesis (13 años) planned the lesson and did really well and even had activity planned, and then Yahaira and Carmen made some kind of fried bread for the treat and Agua Dulce. Loyda and Valerie had a hayday with my hair (they remind me a lot of Laura and Emma, especailly when they go at it with my hair, haha)

Aurora, one of our forever investigators, is going to be baptized this Saturday! Her two hijos are members, but are kids and don´t like to talk about religion or come to mutual or church. But she is finally fed up with the way her life is right now. Her husband abuses her, and she told us that she only feels better when we visit or when she comes with us to church. She is separating from her ësposo (they´re not married), and is going to be baptized! This week we had a huge attentance in the ward (128!) and the ward is getting stronger. In fact, our new ward mission leader is very enthusiastic about helping us,and wants to do his best. Things are looking up. I really have no idea what is going to happen next week when my companions go back to Guatemala, if I´m going to stay in Ojo de Agua or move to another area. I really want to stay in Ojo de Agua becuase I know my way around and LOVE the members here and want to keep helping this ward grow, but of course, I will be happy whereever the lord wants me to go. I love you all and hope you all work hard in school now that it´s starting again. Remember the things are truly important, and put God first before everything else. Life is too short to procrastinate the day of our repentance, or the day in which we truly study the scriptures and pray to our heavenly father. We need to do all we can to grow and become more christ like in this life. Until next week folks!

Hermana Flake

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