Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Week 7: Change is Hard (and so is Lice)

Hola familia!

I loved reading all your emails about your weekends to Utah :) And I´m glad yall did something for the fourth of july, because I didn´t....haha awkward, but it was my companions from Guatemala that reminded me the day of...not me...oh well, I´m proud of my country and don´t always have to show it :) Like the ticans here when costa rica was playing in the copa mundial...they are PROUD of their country :) and I am too, they worked hard to get to the final four, first time in history (this was often my way of starting conversations with people on the bus, ha).

Our wonderful little family, the one with Juan Antonio, Yahaida, and their four daughters, is progressing well. Juan smoked a cigarette this saturday...but he´s trying to quite, and he fasted this fast sunday like we taught him. We taught them the Law of Chastity in full detail yesterday because they´ve struggled with this in the past (Carmen is 16 and has an adorable 2-week-old baby) and the parents have pasts as well. But overall, it went really well and we also went through all the baptismal questions with them to clear up doubts or misunderstandings since this saturday is their scheduled baptisms...and their wedding (two in one, ha). we also went over Palabra de Sabiduría (WoW) with them since the parents have been struggling with coffee and Juan with cigarettes, and they gave us their can of coffee to throw away. I sure hope they can be ready for their baptisms this saturday, but if juan keeps smoking, or yahaida drinks more coffee, or if Carmen can´t commit to chastity, we´re going to have to push some of their baptisms back...<but I have faith in them. they´ve made so many steps and are really trying to change their lives. They´ve come the last 4 sundays (menos Juan last sunday for work), and have had a family night with us missionaries and the Bishop´s familiy. Pray for them.

This past week, a young man who was a less active member, got in an accident on his motorcycle (he was doing a wheelie and was hit by a car). Apparently they all thought he was going to die for sure, but the next day he made signs that he might live. I´m not entirely sure since I only get bits and pieces from the conversations and my companions are at the end of their patience for helping me know what´s going on (they leave in a month and sometimes their heads are more at home than here...). Anyway, this sunday during fast and testimony meeting, the mother got up and bore her tearful testimony and of course with my luck, I had gotten up at the same time as her, so i was directly after her. So my idea of what i was going to share changed a bit as I sat on the stand, but it wasn´t bad. I bore my testimony about our blessing of having the knowledge of forever families and live after death, and a merciful heavenly father. And how I´ve witnessed the gospel change lives and families, so with this great knowledge we need to share the joyful news with our friends and neighbors. or something like that, in simpler words and in spanish, ha. The spirit was really strong in that meeting. After sacrament meeting, we had the Principles of the Gospel class where all of our investigators attend, and guess who was teaching....me...ha. The elders, who are also the zone leaders, delegated the teaching of this class to us sisters, and my companions delegated it to me. yay. but really it wasn´t too bad. I just had to think of some questions on the spot, delegate reading the sections, and ask the elders to write answers on the board. They (the missionaries)all helped to answer and give input, which really helped. Juan even told Elder Zelaya afterwards that he learned a lot. Phew. glad at least one investigator got something out of it :)

Things are better with my companions and it´s all because I decided to change my attitude. I had a lot of pride because I wanted to be exactly obedient and was ffrustrated when my comanions were anything but exactly obedient...but I realized that I was judging really harshly. they´re good missionaries, if a bit lazy, but they really love the people and explain things in a way the investigators can relate and understand. As i´ve focused on the positive, and tried to humble myself to serve them in any little thing even if I sometimes feel like the odd one out, I see where they´re coming from. They´re best friends and are both leaving back to Guatemala together in a month and a half, so of course they´re trunky and like to talk about everything together. I understand now, and am not letting things bother me so much. plus, if i want to help us be more obedient, I´ve got to be on good terms with them or they won´t want to change their ways at all (who am I, the newbie gringa to tell them what we should be doing?) I went through a bit of despression the last few weeks off and on, but not anymore. I´m here to show people the happiness the gospel brings, so I´m going to be happy and positive no matter what. If nothing else, at least i can be productive in that aspect :)

Hey dad, I´d love to hear some exerpts from your mission journal if you could type some and send them in an email. Maybe for when you were a newbie? I know you´re really busy, so don´t stress, I definitely won´t, but just a thought.

Ok, so the other day, saturday actually, my head was itching a montón! So I told my companion hermana morales that I thought i might have lice...and she said it was very likely. SO we checked. and lo and behold there was a whopping 25ish bugs in my hair! que asco! literally it was disgusting and kind of fun (i´m not going to lie, i like when people comb my hair, and killing lice is rewarding in a weird way) haha. But we covered my hair in vinigar and washed all my bedding, and now i´m good. was pretty funny. we discovered the culprit to be Loyda, and possibly the whole family Vargas (Juan, Yahaida, etc...) and since Loyda is always with me when we see them (I´m her favorite, haha, and when I´m not there because sometimes we do splits, she annnoys my companions to death asking where is hermana flake?, haha). So yeah...I´ll probably get lice again if since I´m not going to just push her away. I love her and her family. Vale la pena

Well, six weeks has come and gone, and it flew by. None of us here in Ojo de Agua had cambios yesterday (every six weeks there is the possibility of being transferred) so here´s to another six weeks learning as much as I can from my two mothers as they call my comps. I love you all so much and hope you all are trying to share the gospel each and every day, whether it be talking about it or just being positive, helpful, and happy. Until next week folks!

Con mucho amor,
Hermana Sarah Flake

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