Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Week 6: "Forget yourself and get to work"

Dearest Familia,

This week was different...we had a baptism :) The thing is, Laidi (the woman we baptized) was baptized when she was eight, but we have no record of it, so she had to be baptized again. It was a good thing though, because she is less active and hasn´t gone through the temple yet, and this gave her another chance to feel the spirit strongly in her life. Her husband, Pablo, baptized her, so that was precious. Juan Antonio and his two younger daughters came and watched the baptism, so that was awesome. And Yahaida (the soon-to-be-wife of Juan Antonio) and all her daughters came to two hours of church this sunday, but Juan had to work. I desperately don´t want to lose this family, so we are visiting this family almost every day of the week. In fact, we are having dinner at their house tonight. I love them so much, but Satan works super hard on those families that are preparing for baptism...pray for them.

So I decided that I am just going to do my best to be exactly obedient to the rules, but I´m going to serve my comps and be as helpful as I can to them. I cannot do my work here as a missionary if I cannot even get along with the people I´m living with 24/7. Though I feel like the only way I am ever able to get a long with them is when I am not being focused in missionary work, I am going to stay positive and just do my best. I need to forget myself (and even my desires to be the best and most effective missionary I can be) and get to work serving my companions and my investigators...

Costa Rica is progressing in the Copa Mundial and let me tell you, the ticos here will let you know how proud they are of that :) It´s awesome, but the day of the game was loco here in the streets. Remember that we should always have goals that we are progressing towards. And these goals should be specific and written down and somewhere where you can see them often. Continually be trying to improve something each and everyday. Never be content, but always be happy. People are watching, and if we want to be effective in sharing the gospel, we have to show that we love to live it! Energy and attitude are everything. I love yáll and want to keep hearing from yall! Tyler!!! send me an email once in a while, will ya? haha ;) 

Thanks so much for your desires in being a forever family! Continue to be missionaries and share the gospel with everyone, through words and actions. Help the missionaries in the ward, and even go on splits with them, or have a family night in our home with some investigators and the missionaries. It helps so much to have help from the members in this great work of giving the world the truth. Sorry for being preachy. I just wish I had known all this before my mission, so that I could be more helpful in our ward at home and I wish I had gone on splits with the missionaries. It is so effective. I love yall and pray for yall always :D

mucho amor,
Hermana Sarah Flake

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