Sunday, July 5, 2015

June 22, 2015: Lets ` a` go (Mario voice)

Hey yall!

We have had a week filled with service. First we helped Gabby and Greivin move.They are a family of recent converts who are now going to live in Puerto Viejo.

We are very sad to see them leave and now we are in need of Young men and young men's presidents. Then we helped Sonia, our cook, clean an apartment that she has. Then Saturday morning we went to help cook with Marielos, another recent convert, for the Father´s Day activity that we had in the church saturday night. Lots of service is good for the soul.

Anyway we have been focusing on visiting less active, inactive, and part member families. President Babb, our stake president, challenged us missionaries to have 30 lessons with MARCs each week, and we have to give a report of who we visit and what we teach them. We have our work cut out for us. We also have been focusing on Marbelly and her kids (her husband now doesn`t accompany us in our lessons when he isn`t working). She is praying to know if Joseph Smith was a true prophet. Still hasn`t recieved an answer. We are doing everything we can so that she can be baptized with her two kids this Saturday. Yesterday, after church, we went with Kliver,a young man in the ward, and with the Elders to look for some inactive youth that Kliver knows, so he took us to where they live. Then we ate lunch with the Alvarado Family and then shared with them a lesson. Jonathon, the boyfriend one of the Alvarado daughters was there (he had come to church as well,and has come several times with Susanna, his girlfriend). We shared with them lesson 1,the Restoration of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and challenged him to be baptized when he recieves a confirmation that these things are true. He accepted for 26th of July. We can only teach him on weekends when he comes to visit his girlfriend, but that we will do.

Today we are in San Jose, we ate pancakes in the mission office with a whole bunch of missionaries. Tomorrow is a huge mission conference with all the missionaries in Costa Rica. And then we will be officially divided into two missions I believe.

Life is great. It isn`t easy (especially when it rains , correction, downpours every single day.) haha. But it is great. Talking to people abuot the gospel of jesus Christ and inviting them to be baptized into the true church is great. Being rejected by rich Catholics before we can get a word out, great too, haha. It is good for the soul to knock on doors in rich neighborhoods. Some people are so blind and deaf to the truth. But those humble in spirit will listen, and they will feel the spirit testify of the truthfullness of our message. I know that is true.

Keep on being awesome! Try to be a little better each and everyday. That was the motto of my book of mormon teacher at BYU. I am going to study more Christ like attributes this week, because the reality is that we are here to develop these attributes and to live Celestial Laws so that we can live in God`s courts above.

Love yall,

Hermana Flake

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