Thursday, March 12, 2015

Week 41:

Hey fam!

Keitty, the daughter of a recent convert of ours, was supposed to be baptized this weekend, but she told us the day before her scheduled baptism, that she was nervous and didn´t feel ready to be baptized. So we were calling her, trying to visit her but she was with her aunt the whole weekend. She got sick too, and her aunt took her to Alejuela...basically everything was against her being baptized this weekend. Now we have to wait until the weekend after Stake Conference because the ward doesn´t want to mess with conference. But other than that, Keitty and her mom are doing fine. Grettel is starting to fill out her family history book and we are going to help her to go to the temple with the ward in two weeks. Kattia, our other convert is super excited to take the names of her dad and brother who were both murdered, to the temple with the ward. Tomorrow is her temple interview for her recommend :) It´s so exciting!

This week the elders from Ipis (super close to Coronado) baptized a family that we´ve also come to know. They were baptized this pday so we were invited and we sang a special number, all of us missionaries that came. IT was great. ALso because one of our investigators came.

The other day we found another atheist (the third one I´ve taught here in Costa Rica), but he promised to read the entire Book of Mormon. His mom is a believer, but is comfortable with believing that Jesus is in her heart and that is sufficient. But they are a great family and I am excited to keep teaching them and see the changes that the gospel wraughts in the hearts of every humble person.

I love being a missionary. I love Coronado. I love sharing the gospel. I know that if I serve God with all my heart, mind, might and strength now, that GOd with serve me for the rest of my life. I am thankful for all the experiences and trials and challenges and crazies that the mission brings. I pray that I can better confront them with faith and a positive attitude.

This week we had a multi zone meeting with President Wiklkinson and Elder ALonso. It was great, hopefully the next week I can write more about what they said. IT was great stuff.
Part of what }they said is that Satan works little by little with his poison. THe two most common poisions that he uses are pride and complacency. Read ALma 47:1-18. we cannot let him posion us at all. I know that we are capable of resisting everything he throws at us, with the help of our HEavenly Father.


Hermana Flake

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