Hola querido familia y amigos!!!!
Lo siento a los que solo hablen español....tienen que traducir el resto de este carta...pero no voy a escribir una vez en español y una vez en inglés....jaja.
This week went by way too fast... We had some great noches de hogar with some awesome families of recent converts, who, despite their circumstances or the daily challenges that come with being human and having to care for a family, press forward and have great desires to start creating habits and traditions in their families that will have eternal consequences for the better. I love being with these families because I feel at home surrounded by lots of little ones, haha and gives me so much desire to base my future family on the gospel and the teachings of the gospel of Jesus Christ.
We started to have lots more help from members who want to go on visits with us to visit our investigators! That in of itself is a miracle, haha. It helps SOOO much to have a member that bears testimony in a lesson or that invites the investigator to come to church with them (especially when they have kids of the same age as those of the investigator)... Or if they are converts as well, and share of how they came to know that the church is true. I love it.
Humberto is awesome! He has changed so much (he used to be into drugs and had those kinds of friends and huge earrings....) and this sunday he came to church in white shirt and tie. His mom is amazed at the change in him in just 3 months since he met Veronica, who is a member and is his girlfriend.
Oh, and I fell. So I was walking along, texting investigators at the same time, and I felt into a gutter...like one that is 4 feet deep....ok. i didn´t fall in. but tripped and one of my shoes fell in....and it was before lunch (we always head out of the house after our studies before we come back to the house to eat lunch) and it never rains in the morning (only in the afternoon, or night) so we didn´t bring umbrellas in order to use to reach my shoe....haha. but luckily a kid and his older sister walked by and he offered to jump in and retrieve it. haha. thank you kid. So now my knees are all scratched up (but for those who know me, that is a norm).
This sunday I had a talk with the topic of sharing the gospel through sharing my testimony. Basically took like 10 minutes the night before to think of what I was going to say....for a talk of about 8 minutes....haha. The mission has sure been a quick way to get over my fear of public speaking.
I love Coronado! I am so grateful for the opportunity I had to learn and adapt and grow with Hna. Canales, even if it was just 4 short weeks. I am so grateful for my new companion, Hna. Rubio, who I know is awesome and will work hard.
I feel like things are all fitting together. I know my way around Coronado, for the most part. I have lots of people who have helped me to learn how to open my mouth, how to work with members, etc. and now I just need to help people make their way to the waters of baptism and to the doors of the temple. I love being a missionary.
Sorry for the brevity....we had half an hour less to write today because my comp had her interview with President Wilkinson, so we returned late to Coronado to do internet....and now off to work.
Love you all! Keep up your good examples! Be happy! Share the gospel! Let your light shine! Thanks for the pictures Dad! Thanks for all the letters yall sent me kiddos!! especially Laura, Emma, and Darrell!!! Sorry I coudn´t reply to each of them individually! Jessica, it means the world to me that you took time to write me and send photos. Sounds like life is more than great back home.
Con mucho amor,
Hermana Flake
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