Hola!!! First of all, HAPPY BIRTHDAY DARRELL!!! I love you so much and cannot believe that you are 5 years old!!! I miss you and know you are being a good boy for mom and dad and your siblings. I´ve been meaning to send a card....but it will be a while before he gets it....and oh my goodness, Emma is turning 8 years old soon! (it is 8, right?) haha....I got your envelope with the drawings of Laura, Emma, and Benson ! they are on my wall now ;) I love them!!! Thanks!
I love being a missionary. It´s hard and there are lows, but there is something so rewarding about going to bed dead tired and being excited to teach certain investigators. I am finally getting the hang of LPEs (lecciones para encontrar, which basically means talking to random people in the street, in front of their houses, knocking on their doors, in taxis, or in buses), and feel comfortable making conversation with pretty much anyone, even the drunkards...but we try to avoid them haha. This week has been a week of rain, rain, rain, but we keep on trucking on even though we get soaked almost everyday. We´re finding new investigators and trying to use the members more because we know that it is WAY more effective to teach people who have connections with members. Daniel Jimenez is a recently returned missionary who helps the missionaries whenever he can, and he told me that his goal is to see my family of recent converts (familia Vargas) sealed in the temple in a little less than a year :) That made me so happy to know that someone in the ward has the same goal as me, and can take over when I have to leave Ojo de Agua someday. In fact, we have a noche de hogar with familia Vargas tonight and Daniel is going to come too and we´re going to talk about the Temple and the things we have to do to prepare for this remarkable opportunity.
This Sunday, my companion and I were a little bummed because none of our investigators were there initially. However, Deyver (amigo de miembro and investigator) came and he stayed for the second hour as well in the class of principios del evangelio. Also, Wendy (friend of Carmen Vargas, new convert) came for the first time with familia Vargas, and she stayed for 2.5 hours. And then, towards the end of the sacrament meeting, an older gentleman walked in and sat down in the only available seat, and we later found out that he, Miguel, decided to come to our church (he thought it started at 10 so he was late, but he stayed for the second hour as well) because he read the folleto of his son, which we had contacted in the street about a week ago....he is awesome and we have a noche de hogar with him as well tonight, in the home of familia Campos. YAY! I love being a missionary, and even though it´s way out of my comfort zone, I am beginning to love talking to random people, in spanish, haha.
I am grateful for a companion who puts up with my ways and my sometimes strange behavior ;) She has a personality very different from mine, but the amazing thing about missions and companionships is that it really doesn´t matter what your companion is like, you can work together and enjoy serving together when you have the same goals. Hermana Tordecilla is a great example and I am trying to be a better companion for her, because she deserves it. That will always be my goal, to be the best companion that I can be, because jamás will I be someone that my companion cannot tolerate. I am confident that we are being obedient with exactitude because when we don´t cumplir with all that we should be doing, we recognize it, repent, and try to change the next day. For example, we had a rough few days of LPEs where it wasn´t our priority and we blamed our slack on the rain and weather...but when we really try to meet our goals of LPEs, we are able to see the blessings of being obedient in LPEs. We will always have much to improve on and I am grateful for the leaders that we have that help us to cumplir with our metas. Our zone, district, and especialistas leaders keep up on us and expect us to improve always and check up on us. I am proud to have President Wilkinson as my captain, and to be enlisted in this amazing work.
Con mucho amor,
Hermana Flake
P.s. I´m pretty sure the Elders in the ward here think I´m a freak, haha. We were returning from our multizone conference and it was raining cats and dogs, and we saw a toad...and it was huge, I mean as big as a big mac (bigger than a big mac because the hamburgers in fast food are shrinking, ha). I will have to send the picture next week because Elder Harrison (the new gringo in the ward) took the photo and he is not with us this pday to send emails...stay tuned :) until next week
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