Sunday, May 18, 2014

Hola mi familia amado!
I loved hearing all your beautiful voices on Mother's Day! 

      I was frustrated last week after a couple lessons with our 'investigators' (the ones that are our teachers) because my companion and I are trying hard to teach what the spirit wants us to, but we have a difficult time getting them to open up and talk to us. It's hard to know which questions to ask that will help them get going, and I don't think I would even know what to say in English, let alone Spanish. We have another investigator named Hely, who is our TRC investigator (dad might know what that is) which is an investigator that seems exactly like a non member. She is adorable and from Guatemala, but we're able to understand her spanish :) She is catholic and believes everything we've taught her so far, and we are able to feel the spirit so strongly when we teach her, but it's easier because she is very open with us....not so with our teacher investigators...but I'm learning that the reason it's hard is because we aren't truly loving them...we don't see them as real investigators (because they're are teachers), but I decided to pretend that they are real people in my lives ( i won't tell you who, since this might be posted onto facebook, haha), but I think that will help me to have a true desire to help them see that this is a true message and feel our love and their heavenly father's love for them. And then we will be able to teach after the manner of the spirit, and not just teach while having the spirit. there is a difference. When you teach after the manner of spirit, you teach in a more personal way, and line upon line...teaching people, not lessons. The holy ghost also teaches by inviting, prompting, and encouraging. So that means to provide opportunities for those we teach to use their agency and to help learners understand and LIVE the doctrines not just learn OF the doctrines of the gospel.  Anyway, that's my spiel for the day :D haha. Keep me posted on the goings on. It's sad to hear that the Justices are moving. They were awesome neighbors. 

​     My roommate likes to take a ton of pictures of me. Here is me trying to dodge, yet another one :) Haha

Mucho Amor,
Hermana Flake

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