Pura Vida!
Grettel came to church and this time for all three hours! Yay :) haha Grettel is an investigator from other missionaries, but we visited her for the first time last week. The missionaries had only visited about 3 times, so she practically didn`t remember anything that they had taught. We taught about prophets, dispensations, the great apostasy, the restoration through Joseph Smith, and the Book of Mormon. She is reading now the Book of Mormon, starting with the introduction and testimonies in the beginning. She is wonderful, and learns quickly. Her daughter, Keitty, is ten years old and we are also teaching her, but a little bit slower (we only taught her that God is our loving Heavenly Father and that the Gospel of Jesus Christ blesses families). We are helping them to be prepared and to receive an answer that the Book of Mormon is true so that they can be baptized the 21st of February. To be continued....
Derian, a twelve year old boy and less active member from a family of inactive members, came with us to church last sunday and this Sunday! :) Last week the youth of our ward went on a mini EFY where they went to the farm of familia Corrales and had many spiritual activities as well as recreational ones. Anyway, after going on this trip with the ward, Derian sent us a text saying that he wanted to go to church but didn`t have anyone to go with, so we arranged a family to come with him to church. And this Sunday we went to pick him up from his house and walk with him to church, and this time he had on a white shirt and tie! :) with his duty to God in his pocket. So adorable! haha. His goal is to serve a mission and to receive the Priesthood. Finally he is making progress towards these goals.
Heidi, our Relief Society president, came with us yesterday to visit Kattia. We taught her about temple work, baptisms for the dead, and family history work. She was so happy to hear about the work we do for our ancestors :) Her dad and brother were murdered and she wants to do their temple work for them (at least their baptisms).She is super excited to go to the temple with the ward next month. I love her so much. She didn`t come to church this Sunday because she went to visit an elderly neighbor who had an operation in Tres Rios (a couple hours away) and she went Sunday morning...but when we visited her with Heidi, she told us that she felt bad that she didn`t go to church...she missed taking the Sacrament and said that she feels like she didn`t fill her canteen for the week :) We told her that it is for that very reason that it is so important that we go every Sunday, but that thankfully we have repentance and when we fail or fall, we can start over again. Thankful to the Atonement.
Thursday my comp and I were leaving a lesson with Walter, our less active member who is now regressing to activity, and we didn`t have a planned appointment for 6pm and on, so we were sitting on the steps of the gigantic Catholic church calling all the numbers we had of future investigators, trying to see who we could visit....for about 10 minutes we were there, and it started to sprinkle a bit, and it was really windy (like usual in Coronado). Anyway, I saw a man on his cell phone near us who looked like he was waiting for someone. I kept thinking that we should talk to him, and I saw him look over at us a couple times. Finally, when we started to leave, we went up to him and asked him if he lived in Coronado, if he knew someone that would be interested in listening to a message of Jesus Christ, and also if he would like us to share this message with him sometime. We started talking a bit, he asked us lots of questions who we are as missionaries and our purpose. He then asked us, "who is Jesus Christ for you?" I told him, he is our Savior, redeemer, the Son of God, who came to make it possible for all mankind to return to God. When we shared that, he said that he had heard from other churches that the mormons only believe Christ to be a prophet, the most important prophet, but not believe Him to be our Savior. After that he was REALLY interested in what we have to share. Then he started to get a little teary eyed and told us about some really difficult things that he`s going through. Then he said, "I was waiting for my friend to come so that I could vent my feelings about all this, but he never showed up. Then I prayed to God to help me, because I felt like I had lost all direction in my life. I don`t really know my purpose in living." Then he said that we showed up and started to talk to him. "You two are the answer to my prayer". Wow. We`ve taught him once more since then, and he has called us almost every day with a question, or to ask about the Book of Mormon which we left with him and he`s been reading. I know the Gospel is the only way for him to find true peace and purpose. To be continued....
Well, another week has come and gone....sorry I don`t have much more time....
Matthew 26:29, Matthew 7:21, Isaiah 57:15, D&C 136:33, Matthew 18:4, John 5:30, Helaman 3:35
Con mucho amor,
Hermana Flake