Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Week 1 MTC

Hola familia!
It's great here at the MTC (west campus, which is Wyview and Raintree). It's strange because Jess and I lived here over the summer, and now I am living in the same apartments with Hermana Muse and the other two hermanas that make up my district. Since we were all plucked from our fellow mission groups to be in intermediate, none of us have the same mission. Hermana Muse, Akre, and Weatherhead are all going to different places in Mexico, and then there's me going to Costa Rica. I love my zone and district and branch presidency! This sunday we listened to an amazing talk by President Uchtdorf. He talked about fearing no man, and being bold but not overbearing. That's my goal. Our spanish is coming along well; we pray in spanish and give talks (2-3 minutes) in spanish. Sometimes when I'm writing in my journal i accidently start writing in spanish...haha. Anyway, I love you guys alot and miss y'all. Can y'all please email me and tell me about what is going on in your lives. Don't think that you'll distract me. Thanks mom for the shoes! They came in yesterday and I loved your letter. Has my driver's license come yet? Just wondering, I'm in no hurry. I hope y'all keep on reading from the Continuous Atonement. It's my mission challenge for y'all :) I love you all mucho!!! Adios!

-Hermana Flake

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

I'm off!

Tomorrow I enter the MTC, and from there I will go to Costa Rica!

See y'all in 18!