Tuesday, February 12, 2013

What Will Your Legacy Be?

 Last week we were studying Helaman 5 in Brother Griffen's class; in this chapter, Nephi and Lehi remember the words of their father, Helaman, when he told them to keep the commandments, declare God's word to the people, and to " do that which is good, that it may be said of [them]...even as it has been said and written of [their forefathers] (Helaman 5:7). Here we get the essential questions, "how do you want to be remembered?" and "what legacy do you want to leave for your posterity?" If we were to live our lives with this end goal in mind, the goal of becoming someone our future generations can look up to, then we would have a more firm desire to do what is right and to do good unto others. Rather than simply 'bumbling' through life, we would be able to keep an eternal perspective knowing that what we do today will affect generations to come. Dieter Uchtdorf said once, speaking to the sisters,

"Live the standards in For the Strength of Youth. These standards guide and direct you to your “happily ever after.” Living these standards will prepare you to make sacred covenants in the temple and establish your own legacy of goodness in your individual circumstances. “Stand … in holy places, and be not moved,” regardless of temptations or difficulties. I promise you that future generations will be grateful for you and praise your name for your courage and faithfulness during this crucial time of your life." 

Though it can be hard at times (most of the time), to look at the big picture of life when we're caught up in our weekly trials, activities, temptations, desires, needs, and wants, we must do as Helaman advised his sons and "do that which is good" in order to leave a legacy to be proud of. I know that this life is fleeting, and if we take our time for granted, we will come to the end of our journey and have nothing to show for it. I want to live a life worth living.